ExamFX Pass Guarantee
ExamFX is so confident in our training program that we guarantee users who successfully complete the Readiness Exam* found in our insurance prelicensing courses will pass their insurance licensing exam on their first attempt! If you do not pass your licensing exam within three days after scoring 80% or higher on the Readiness Exam, we will refund the cost of your course. It is that simple. Some restrictions may apply.
What is the ExamFX Readiness Exam?*
The Readiness Exam, which is only available in our insurance prelicensing courses, will help you determine if you are ready to pass your licensing exam.
The Readiness Exam is designed to simulate the licensing exam, so candidates are left with no surprises on exam day, and provide a benchmark to assure complete exam readiness. You must pass the Readiness Exam to be eligible for the Pass Guarantee.
Unlock the Readiness Exam
The Readiness Exam unlocks once you have achieved a passing score on the Practice Exam.
The Timeframe
The Readiness Exam must be taken no more thanthree calendar days prior to the licensing exam.
Length of Exam
The Readiness Exam will take approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete.
Passing Score
To be eligible for the Pass Guarantee you must score an 80% or higher on the Readiness Exam.
Number of Attempts
The Readiness Exam is limited to two attempts per line of authority and cannot be reset or overridden.
Course Refund
When you have passed the Readiness Exam and don't pass the licensing exam you may be eligible for a refund.
What is the ExamFX Pass Guarantee Refund Process?**
ExamFX currently only offers a pass guarantee on all insurance courses.
- To qualify you must pass the Readiness Exam with an 80% or higher within three days prior to your licensing exam and not pass your licensing exam on your first attempt.
- Refunds are only provided for candidate paid packages, refunds will not be provided for company paid packages.
- Refunds include the original purchase price of the study package (excludes renewals and shipping costs).
- Refunds must be verified by submitting licensing score sheets to Customer Support. Request a refund by completing this form.
- Refunds are processed within two business days to the card originally used for purchase.
*The Pass Guarantee only applies to the candidates first attempt to pass the license exam, subsequent attempts do not qualify.
**If you do not pass the licensing exam and have meet all the requirements for the Pass Guarantee.
***Passing Exam Mode score may vary by state and/or course.
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