Our Story is Your Story
We are the trusted name in professional online learning and certification.
ExamFX has instructed millions of students and has partnered with some of the most respected brands in the insurance and securities industries.
The most innovative training available designed to help you pass on the first try —Guaranteed.
Not all prelicensing training programs are created equal. We should know, we've been in the business of preparing candidates to pass their licensing exams for a combined 40 years. Our experts have learned how to best accommodate various learning styles and deliver the most comprehensive prelicensing learning platform on the market.
Let us put our vast experience and knowledge to work for you. We want you to start on the right path for future career success. We have training packages developed for every learning style and price point, that work for your budget. Trust the leaders in prelicensing training for your exam preparation needs.
Where Do You Want to Go?
We can help. We have a long, established history of helping people realize their professional goals through comprehensive training and innovative tools delivered by industry experts. Learn more about our solutions below.
Millions of success stories. Will you be next?
Here are just some of the stories from people like you that have trusted ExamFX to help them prepare for their licensing examinations.
I remember using ExamFX all the way back when I first got my Life & Health license several years ago. I had since begun recommending a different service to new agents in my office for the Life & Health exam because of a promotional price that the other service offered. However, when it was time to get my Series 65 license, I thought I'd give ExamFX a try again. I can't believe how much I took for granted the license exam preparation process. The contrast between the other service and ExamFX is NIGHT and DAY.
Ryan, WFG in California
I've used ExamFX for all of my exam studies. The content of the in person classes, study materials, chapter quizzes, practice exams and the guarantee exams made my journey to passing the P & C, Life & Health, 6, 63 and 26 a success! With good study habits along with the information provided within each course, I was able to pass each exam on the first try! Thank you, ExamFX!
Allison, Allstate in Arizona
I have studied for and passed the Series 6, 63, & 7 - all through the invaluable resources that ExamFX provides. I have worked in the financial industry for only a few short years and had no background in business/finance prior. After deciding to expand my knowledge of the insurance/securities industry, ExamFX was recommended to me. I was able to teach myself from the ground up and I couldn't be more grateful. Thanks ExamFX! You guys are the best!
Rohit, NYL in New Jersey